The Biochemistry Research unit is bringing new and better tests and testing technologies to the bedside particularly in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, in collaboration with our clinician colleagues, basic research scientists and instrument manufacturers. For example:
- With the Hudson Institute we are establishing new methods of monitoring ovarian tumours.
- As the designated State Government specialist centre for isotope dilution LC-MS steroid and plasma metanephrine assays, and working with our Paediatric and Adult Endocrinology colleagues, we are redefining reference interval s and clinical decision points for a range of endocrine disorders.
- With the Diabetes in Pregnancy specialists we are evaluating less invasive and more economical ways for detection of gestational diabetes.
- With our Obstetricians and Paediatric Endocrinologists we are evaluating the interactions of maternal and foetal vitamin D and the role of vitamin D in foetal brain development.
- We are working with Peninsula Health to develop novel drug delivery systems with clinical trials expected to commence in 2016.
- With colleagues in both the Public and Private sectors we are working to achieve greater harmonisation of all aspects of pathology testing and reporting, especially in the area of reference intervals.