Frequently asked questions

Private Pathology Services for Non-hospital patients

Will I receive a bill?

If you are referred from a Monash Health privatised clinic or a General Practitioner you will be referred to the private pathology service

Medicare Scheduled/ listed items

You will be charged the standard Medicare scheduled fee and you will receive an account.

This means you can claim the Medicare rebate, and there will be a small out of pocket fee.

Tests not funded by the Commonwealth (Non CMBS)

There are a small number of tests or services not funded by the Commonwealth, which are not listed with Medicare. For these tests no government rebate is available

You will receive an account and be responsible for the full amount.

Your doctor will be aware of this when ordering specific tests, and can discuss the costs with you.

These tests will be charged at the standard pathology fee.

For help with any fees not covered by the Medicare Benefits Schedule, please call the pathology inquiry line:

Tel +61 3 9594 3024 and our staff will assist you.

Health care card holders, veterans and pensioners

Monash Pathology will bulk-bill all patients with a health care card, blue or white veteran’s card or pension card who attend this private clinic, for all items listed in The Medicare Schedule.

Please present your Medicare card, health care card or pension card on the day of service. Personal details must be current so please advise staff on arrival of any changes to your personal details.

Patients who do not complete the assignment box on the bulk billing form will be issued an account, an assignment form and a stamped, self-addressed return envelope. The account will be cancelled if a signed assignment form is returned. Alternately, the account may be presented to Medicare for payment

Overseas outpatients

Overseas visitors not eligible for a Medicare card will be billed privately at the standard scheduled fee for all Medicare listed services. An invoice will be sent directly to you or to your health insurer

For any tests not funded by the Commonwealth, which do not have a Medicare item number,   You will receive an account and be responsible for the full amount.

Public Pathology Services for Non Hospital patients

Will I receive a bill?

If you have been referred from a Monash Health public clinic, you will have no out of pocket expenses. You may elect to be bulk billed for tests, and there will be no out of pocket expense for any tests.

In order to bulk-bill eligible services, all patient details must be correct.   Please advise the staff on arrival of any changes to your personal details. Monash Pathology requires a patient’s signature in the assignment box on the pathology request form, as well as the relevant Medicare or Department of Veterans’ Affairs information

Private Inpatients and Day Stay Patients

Will I receive a bill?

In most cases your bill will be sent directly to your Private Health Insurer. If for any reason this is not possible, you will be issued with an invoice, which you will need to present to Medicare and your Private Health Insurer.

Overseas in patients

Where an overseas patients who have an agreement with a Health Insurer, the account will go directly to the insurer for payment.

Overseas inpatients that have no agreement with a health insurer will receive an invoice and will be responsible for payment at the time of discharge.